Fall is officially over and summer felt like months ago. Time is moving by at warp speed. How is it already December and almost a new year? I suspect having a baby and experiencing a global pandemic are to blame. Regardless, it has been quite a year so far. A spring, summer and fall chock -full of happiness, sadness, sorrow and loss, adventures, new experiences, and love.

Our treasures: Arco and Ramey.
Baby in a box.
Trendiest kid on the block.
Our first overnight backpack with the boys. Cheesy tortillas over the campfire won favorite snack of the trip.

There are too many memories to recount them specifically, but to summarize — we camped a lot, we hiked and we played outside everyday, we swam in Idaho’s pristine rivers and creeks, discovered new-to-us, favorite outdoor pockets in our greater backyard, learned more about birds, plants and gardens, ran races and discovered new passions, talked about hunting more than I ever thought possible, grew in our professions, raised/raising a baby and a toddler (and we still love each other), set new goals, upped our imaginative play, completed some minor house projects, cooked a lot and made new recipes, learned/learning to ride a pedal bike, picked out the largest pumpkin in the patch, took the little lads on their first backpack trip, became coffee connoisseurs, enjoyed the flame and flicker of several campfires, and we laughed, a lot.

I often wonder what the winter will bring — skiing and yurt trips, sledding and snowman-building, projects and goals, laughter and love. For now though, I’ll let the photos share our stories from spring, summer and fall.

This boy almost loves hunting and wild game more than his Poppa.
An incredible sunset and fall evening in Stanley.
Ethan and Jerrod at the finish line of their first ultramarathon (Standhope 60k).
This boy, dressed in his undies, fireside, is where he belongs.
Garden loot and pasta.
Ramey is a natural. He loves to camp, sleep in a tent and snuggle by the fire. He’s as happy as a clam in the great outdoors!
He wants to be exactly like his Poppa.
A sweet snuggle session with Ramey Dude.
Summertime flavors. A food experiment that was extremely light, refreshing and delicious!
Goofy is good!
To the river!
All smiles!
We love food!
This boy is a charmer – sweet, kind and loving!
We tore out some grass, added some rocks and boom! Huge improvement! I can’t wait to add flowers and pots to the area next summer.
The napping house.
A family jog to the park.
Creamy polenta and side salad.
“That’s the one”! Arco choosing the largest pumpkin in the patch.
Mama and her boys!
Camp naps are the best naps.
I spy a pack-mule and tiny mountain biker.
Another pasta dish and side salad.
Wood cuts are the best!
Our dream come true!

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