I am 35 weeks pregnant and I am feeling tip-top. At the end of the day, especially after chasing around Little Man, it feels good to sit down, but overall, I feel lucky and fortunate to have yet another enjoyable pregnancy.

Almost 36 weeks pregnant.

With winter in full swing, it has been difficult to find a regular rhythm with exercise. When we take Arco skiing, I usually try to get out for a cross-country ski with Chossy. The ski is usually slow, but pleasant, as I feel more and more pressure in my pelvis each time I go out. I also try and stretch and as mentioned in a previous post, complete a weight circuit twice each week. Lastly, and if nothing else, I aim to get out for a walk each day – fresh air, sunshine and that cool winter breeze does wonders!

For a change of scenery, we took Arco and Chossy to Silver Creek for a loop around the creek. The sun was out and the birds greeted us with their lovely songs. It was a beautiful day!

As far as baby preparation goes, I think we are ready, mostly. Of course, there are things I’d like to check off of my list before baby arrives – deep clean and mop, scrub, scrub, scrub the bathtub, finish paint touchups, organize the pantry, renovate the garage and so on, but I’m focusing on those more important to-do items first: meal preparation, washing baby’s clothes, making baby’s bed (the crib is setup) and cleaning Arco and Sprout’s room, packing our hospital bag, another date night with E, making arrangements for Arco while we are in the hospital, and getting the carseat installed. What items were on your to-do list at this stage in pregnancy? Any advice to share?

I sure do adore this crew of mine.

As we charge ahead and prepare for Sprout’s arrival, I also can’t help but think about my limited solo time left with my Little Man, Arco Bear, Arco Boy. I’m mourning the idea, just a little bit. When I told him a few days ago that Grandma would stay with him while Papa and I were at the hospital, tears welled up in his eyes. I had to hold my own tears back, as the thought of being without him for even a day seems strange; poignant.

An oldie, but goodie. This photo was taken last summer. Arco boy has grown so much since then. He is still our star baby!
One of our last outdoor fires before the snow flew. Arco’s first experience roasting his very own ‘doggie’.
Another oldie, but one that I adore. Arco adores the outdoors and we adore him.
These two.

I’ve also been searching for books, blog posts and other insights that might help us in transitioning from one child to two, specifically, how to treat and interact with Arco after Sprout is here. Arco made me a Mama and I am so thankful that he is our boy. Even after Sprout is here, I want to continue to treat Arco as a whole being, respect and empower him, and learn from him. He, like all children, are to be treasured. He is our star baby, our first gift, our beautiful boy – the happiest burst of light in our lives.

Sappy reflections aside, we are beyond tickled to welcome Sprout, Baby #2, into our lives. We can’t wait to meet him/her and I know we all, Arco included, will adore him/her to bits. Chossy’s level of love, on the other hand, may be questionable.

Baby Sprout.

So, will Sprout be a boy or a girl? Over the last several weeks, we’ve had multiple people share their thoughts on what our lucky charm baby will be. How about you? Any strong feelings about one gender over another?

4 thoughts on “35 Weeks, Thoughts and Gender Poll.

  1. It doesnt matter to his/her Oldpa ! My love is assured in any case.

  2. OMG, Arco is just growing more adorable every day. Baby Sprout’s picture is amazing! Thanks for sharing your joy. My love to you all.

  3. Do you know? If not what are your first thoughts when you think about Sprout? My guess is another boy. But that’s just based on the photo above. You look radiant. Arco is a handsome little man. I wish I lived closer. Love you guys. Aunt K.

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