
We’ve been milling around, here and there. Our weekends have been full of climbing adventures and household to-dos. Ethan will be instructing a three-day Mountain Weather class this weekend for CAIC and has been diligently preparing for it. I am in the holiday spirit and have been crafting ideas for our next projects, adventures and weekend getaways! Lately, our spare time has been spent climbing or hanging with good friends. Our fly rod has been outfitted with some cool fishing gadgets and we plan to test it in Clear Creek once the craziness settles. We’ve been cooking up some new meals and desserts; it’s definitely been a delicious October. Budgeting is still happening, albeit slow-going. JP came to visit and we’ve already enjoyed several ski and snowboard movies from the cushions of our newest addition, our cozy Arabian Pillow Bench. We have many more photos and stories to share, and have plans to really update our little blog soon. November is quickly on its way. We have big goals for the month and hope to renovate our online journal too, creating a cleaner and warmer space to visit. We’ll be crafting holiday cards, listening to festive Christmas tunes and nursing delicious Jubelale before we know it. Until twinkle lights and elf shenanigans, enjoy the last few days of October – embrace this funky, creative holiday and eat too many sweet treats. You deserve it!