We’re still budgeting and I’m still extremely fascinated by the process. Our progress; however, has definitely slowed since taking an oath to become debt free. We are constantly crunching numbers, saving pennies and only spending money on the necessities. We are diligently hammering away at the ol’ loans. It’s exhausting; I remain optimistic.

paying loans off, one small bit at a time.

we’re paying our loans off, one small bit at a time.

As mentioned previously, we utilize a spreadsheet to help track our expenditures and are quick to adjust it if we overspend in a certain category. We’ve had a few unexpected car repairs that required more from our savings than either one of us preferred. We’ve managed to replenish it and are back on track toward paying off our loans. I’ve added a financial log to our closet door, too. Using a giant sharpie marker, I scribble in what our total remaining debt is for that month. This has given us a tangible number to work with; keeping progress visible and our motivation levels high.

It has certainly been challenging – some days more than others. All this sweat, math and spreadsheet-love will be worth it. I just know it.

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