Believe it or not, this is a ‘thing’. In cities all over the country, more and more people are opting out of public transit, stuffy subway rides, and hours of endless traffic. Instead, they are lacing up their sneakers and running to work. Cool, right!?

It certainly has me intrigued and I can’t wait to try it. I think I could get hooked!

I love to run. I usually take a few hot laps around town during my lunch break, but now that the weather is getting hot, lunch time runs make for a sweaty mess. Instead of trying to ‘freshen’ up after my afternoon run, I am going to try the run commute. With a little effort the night before and a shower in the morning, I think I will have this dialed in no time — pack a nutritious lunch the evening before, fold work clothes into my bag, and add a few extra snacks to fuel me throughout the day.. BINGO!

For the first week, I will map out a good route to run. Being that I only live seven blocks from work, I will need a route that is a bit longer, more scenic, and loops around town. I think a four-mile morning run is the perfect distance to start with. I can decrease or increase with time. I also plan to arrive 20 minutes early to work. This will give me some extra time to cool down, enjoy my breakfast, and change into my work attire.


then.. coffee time!

I still need to work out logistics of packing food, clothing, and snacks for the trek. I think it will be worth it.

What do you think? Would you try it?

2 thoughts on “The Run Commute

  1. Tips and Tricks from my active commute: Take an iron/small ironing board to work, Baby wipes & deodorant, have 2 pairs of ‘fancy’ work type shoes stashed at your desk, as well as a spare nice shirt and undies. I’ve gone commando once already this year.

  2. hahaha nice Pudd! How long is your ride in? Mine is about 2 miles, piece of cake. I usually leave a nice shirt and shoes here but will have to borrow your other tips as well.

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