Hi folks,

If you haven’t noticed we have a new blog platform that we are both pretty stoked about! Much easier to navigate through posts and find what we want. Everything is categorized now – wanna see skiing? Click on skiing! –>

Currently I am chillin on the 15th floor of the Marriot in downtown Anchorage. Robyn is presenting and recruiting for PWSCC downstairs at a conference. We still don’t like Anchorage, but the free breakfast and view are not half bad this morning.  Last night Robyn and I treated ourselves to a fine meal at the Glacier Brewhouse along with a couple pints of the IPA and Oatmeal Stout.  Both very decent beers.

View over Cook Inlet, Anchorage

Tonight we will make the 5.5 hour drive back to Valdez where the weather has been blustery to the tune of 80 mph in town..  The weather tower at Thompson Pass broke one evening after registering 152 mph.  Currently it says its -9F but the anemometer must still be broken because there is no wind reading.

In other news, the Pass is snowed in and so is town. 44 inches of snow have already fallen in town and until these recent winds it has been absolutely beautiful out. Fresh powder, clear and cold nights. We have been skiing at the Pass since mid October and around our house since November 1st.  The salmon are still spawning in just about every narrow creek all accompanied by flocks of Bald Eagles.  Walking to the creeks around our house you can watch salmon spawn while eagles catch and eat them on the banks all full of snow. Truly some scenery I will never forget.

At one location last week I counted 33 Bald Eagles

We have a renewed devotion to the blog now that it is in a new format, and hopefully we will do a better job cataloguing our winter here in Valdez!

One thought on “They are all so small from up here

  1. 44″!? woweee!!!! Thats a lot. I expect to see some go pro footage on here this winter….

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